张建斌.经络理论的断代研究与学术轨迹考察[J].南京中医药大学学报(社会科学版),2021,37(6):801-806. |
经络理论的断代研究与学术轨迹考察 |
Study of the Meridians and Collaterals Theory and Its Academic Trajectory |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 关键词:经脉 经络 学术史 断代研究 框架研究 |
英文关键词: meridian meridians and collaterals academic history dynastic research framing research |
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摘要点击次数: 552 |
全文下载次数: 481 |
中文摘要: |
系统梳理和考察经络理论的学术轨迹,并进行断代,可以将其分为五个阶段:理论起源、多元发展、重构统论、矛盾冲突、反思回归。其中关键性事件和观点有:经过先秦时期的酝酿,西汉初年淳于意提出经脉概念;《内经》时代经络理论呈现了多元化发展;《圣济总录》以“经脉统论”重构经络学术框架并影响至今;西学东渐后,学术界对经络理论的理解陷入了冲突和困惑之中;承淡安先生等在反思中重塑经络理论价值,并回归传统学术轨迹。经络理论的断代研究,清晰呈现了经络理论内涵的演变轨迹和过程,可为当代经络理论的诠释与应用、形态基础的研究提供支撑。 |
英文摘要: |
The academic trajectory of meridian and collateral theory is systematically sorted out and reviewed according to dynastic research. It can be divided into five stages: origin of theory, diversified development, reconstruction of synthetical theory, contradiction and conflict, as well as reflection and returning. The key events and views include: The concept of meridians in the early Western Han Dynasty by Chunyu Yi based on the pre-Qin period accumulation; The diversified development of meridians and collaterals theory in the era of the Huangdi Neijing; The reconstructing of the academic frame of meridians and collaterals by "the synthetical theory of meridians and collaterals" in the Comprehensive Recording of Divine Assistance with to-date influence; The conflict and dilemma in the academic understanding of meridian and collaterals theory after the eastward transmission of western sciences; The value reshaping of meridian and collaterals theory combined with the returning of the traditional academic trajectory in the course of reflection by Cheng Dan'an and others. The dynastic study of meridian and collaterals theory clearly presents its evolutionary trajectory and process of the connotation, which can provide support for the interpretation and application of its contemporary theory and its morphological basis. |
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